Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Dearest Brother.

Last Saturday was my brother Rory's Birthday. He's now 19 and is getting ready to go on his mission in LONDON ENGLAND!!! I'm so excited for him!! He's an awesome brother who I wouldn't change for the world and I'm SUPER proud of him! However as much as I love my brother this post isn't really about him but rather the card me and my other brother, Rob, picked out for him. We spent 20 or so minutes in the store trying to find the right one finally just when we were about to give up we found it! When we got it home Rob, Mairen and I all signed it, put it in the envelope and and gave it to him. And here it is! in all it's glory!

And he loved the card!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA Classic!!
    But happy birthday to YOU, my dear!
